Dear PEO Friends, Family and Colleagues:

As I have talked to many of you over this past month, I am overwhelmed with your leadership, tenacity, compassion and resolve.  There is no doubt that this COVID 19 pandemic is an event unlike we have ever seen and your response is incredibly impressive.   This makes me very proud to be a part of this amazing industry.

Unlike the World Trade Center and the Great Recession (which had dramatic impact on the PEO industry), this crisis is the actual shut down of the economy.  At the moment, we are uncertain how long.

It is unbelievable to me that one short month ago, the PEO industry was at a new apex based on a multitude of measures.  Now our primary focus is how to help our clients, business, employees and families survive this crisis.

I know many of you have been on the same circuit of NAPEO and PEO industry conference calls. We are fortunate that we have a strong trade association in NAPEO.

In addition, and in a collaborative manner, many PEO attorneys in the industry have channeled the full power of their resources to address this crisis and the new legislation that has been enacted – the CARES Act. A portion of this Act contains economic relief for small businesses to which you will receive information from NAPEO.  I would highly encourage you to communicate this information and guidance to your clients. Your Company may also be a candidate to take advantage of these programs as well.

NAPEO has also published a survey of our peers that provide a perspective of the impact from a large sample of NAPEO members that can help provide context.  The NAPEO COVID Executive Summary can be found  Here.

At this time, I know that it is difficult to maintain optimism. However, we have all weathered the historical storms and the nature of this event ultimately will have a finite shelf life.

What can we learn?

I know this is not a great time to pass on unsolicited advice, but I do want to pass on a recommendation that could possibly strengthen your businesses.

When times are difficult and profitability is challenged it seems inefficiencies of process and performance become much more visible. Use this crisis to identify some areas that may require change.   Use it to   strengthen and galvanize the foundation and infrastructure of your Company.   This includes people, processes, technology and client relationships, et. al.  You know what they say; “what does not break us will help us grow stronger”.

If we use this approach today (and this does include my business), we will get through this together.   When we look back it is my hope that we will have all grown stronger as a result.  I am confident we will.

An Invitation

We do want you to know that McHenry CARES and invite you to contact me at to set up a courtesy call to discuss crisis management planning matters and re-engineering your platform for the future.  Also, you certainly can also call if you just need a sounding board to listen.

I will be thinking of you, your families, businesses and employees.  Please be safe my friends.

Kind regards,


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