Millennials are so Yesterday… Welcome Generation Z

Millennials are so Yesterday… Welcome Generation Z

It’s time!!!  Enough of the Millennials this and Millennials that…Do you know the actual definition/dates of Millennials?  You had to be born from 1981 – 1996 to be a Millennial. We are now moving onto Generation Z, those born 1996 – 2015.  And we are in for some big changes!!!  Some of the most dramatic differences with Gen Z are:

  • Technology usage – social media, brand influencing, pop culture
  • Creativity
  • Spending habits
  • Life outlook
  • Education outlook
  • Music
  • Global climate
  • and the list goes on and on….

However, as the Director of Recruiting for McHenry Consulting, let’s focus on what this means to the PEO industry’s future.  What should we be looking for in new employees and what can we expect?

Beginning with the work mission of Generation Z!  Before we get there, let’s remember the work/life missions that we know and have become keywords in almost every presentation.

Generation X (that is most of us) BALANCE WORK WITH FAMILY TIME.


Generation Z (the new kids) WE ARE THE “ALWAYS ON” GENERATION.

I like to think of Gen Z as the most creative group of kids/workers to date.  So – get ready…The PEO industry as we know it will look different in years to come as Gen Z infiltrates our industry.  If you want to succeed, you will need to embrace Gen Z or get left behind.

It was hard picking just 6, but here are my top 6 qualities that you should understand about Gen Z workers to prepare for your next Chapter:

  • Gen Z is NOT to be taken lightly. They are young, but they are SMART.  And they are willing to do the research and know what has not worked before and creative enough to figure out how to do it different and make it work right this time.  And oh – by the way, Gen Z is not willing to settle.  They have access to cash – either from their parents or from “investments” that they made while still in high school.
  • Gen Z is all about Social Media. This is not a big revelation for anyone who has kids. However, important to note…as of today their Social Media of choice is Snapchat and Instagram.  Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are “for old people”, and are on their way out.  If you are beginning your Social Media footprint, make sure you are stepping in the right outlets.  And, because Gen Z is “always on”, they are creating new Social Media platforms as we speak.
  • Gen Z has an attention span of 8 seconds!! If you are targeting them for open positions in your company, put the most important info about the job in the beginning. And if you really need to reach Gen Z, make a YouTube video and put it on Instagram.
  • Gen Z is visual. And they are storytellers.  If you are training a new employee, “telling” them how to do something will not cut it.  Not only do they have to do it, but they will need to know why and what the outcome will produce.  They need to see the message and believe in the product. Which leads to…
  • Gen Z expects a Positive Environment.Disciplining in the hallways will not work.  They are likely to walk straight out the front door.  They want to know that they and their company is making a difference, and they want to be acknowledged for their actions.  Interesting fact: 60% of Gen Z wants to change the world – compared with 39% of Millennials
  • Generation Z are influencers. Some social media platforms actually have a category called “influencers” that you can become part of if you post enough content.  65% of Gen Z enjoy creating and posting original content on a daily basis.  Therefore, as a company targeted positively by one of these influencers, your success ratio can increase dramatically.

As a mom of both a millennial and a couple of Gen Z kids, I can tell you that much of the information that I found in the research that I did is spot on.  I don’t believe in absolutes, so I am sure that there are exceptions to all of these.  And, this information is not intended to downplay the Millennial’s role in the Corporate world or the PEO Industry.  This is simply to highlight what is coming next.

If you are curious, Generation Alpha is next in line.  These are kids born between 2010 and 2025.  And if you didn’t already see this coming, let me be the first let you in on the secret. Gen Alpha will be considered to be the most technological-infused demographic up to date.  They are also known as the iGeneration.

I found the research extremely enlightening and if you have any questions or would like more information, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at 

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