Moving On? Post Election Strategies

By the time you read this, the Election will be over (insert Loud Cheers). The votes are in and the news cycle can actually start to cycle something other than the election. I have a better idea of where Hillary or Donald are at any moment of the day, than I do my own husband. I am exhausted by statistics, strategies, hypothesis, analyst, red, blue, purple, battleground, or swing… I am happy for it to just to be over.

Full disclosure, I am writing this on the eve of Election Day, so it is not quite over, but the end is near. Also, while I am disclosing, as much as I can’t wait for it to end, I am a bit of a political junky. I have only myself to blame for being overexposed. I cannot seem to walk away from just one more analyst’s opinion or a good break down of the red and blue map. I love the map.

At McHenry, we have a little bit of everything, we have some that are junkies (Dan and Erica) and some that can unplug, some that are conservatives and some that are more liberal. We have though managed to navigate discussions with respect, intelligence and most of all humor. There are text messages, pictures of us at various rallies, playful banter, etc. I literally will laugh out loud at some of the political exchanges we have, even when it is my candidate that is being made fun of. It is funny. Best of all was when Dan sent out care packages for his candidate to our homes. Tina’s package arrived while out of town, and her children decorated her home with signs and bumper stickers. While sitting in a NAPEO event they were sending pictures of their work. I also have a large navy mug that I am looking to re-gift.

I hope that as a country, post-election day, we can mimic this behavior, whoever is victorious.
We can all agree that this cycle has been toxic, so lets all do our part, and individually come together, and stand behind our leader, regardless if it was our vote, and move forward. Okay, I am done preaching.

I scoured the internet just for you on some tips and tricks to destress yourself post-election, and yes, there is an app for that.

  • 10% Happier- a meditation app, created a special series for just this stress called, “election emergency” meditations. They have one in for “exposure to media” that I may need to look into. Research has shown that mediation can have positive effects on reducing stress so it may be worth a download.
  • You could also celebrate the end with a dance party, a little bit in the other direction than meditation, but many venues are throwing post-election destress festivities. Check your local event calendars. Here by me, there is a dance party in Boca on Saturday night if anyone is interested. If not, maybe plan some things for the upcoming weekend that are fun and enjoyable that you will be able to look forward to.
  • Meditate, dance, or have someone literally scrub the election right off of you. The Four Seasons in Washington DC, a stone’s throw from our new prez’s residence, is offering political detox, which is a spa session that will “scrub away layers of election stress and anxiety that have taken hold” and certainly add on the “election escape” which is a scalp treatment and aromatherapy. Obviously. If you are not in DC, check out your favorite local spa for political treatments.
  • Unlpug. Consider removing twitter, Facebook and news apps from your phone, at least for say a week or so. You can still access them when you are on your computer, but maybe you are not constantly being bombarded with post-election nonsense. In that same vein, do some Netflix or Hulu binge watching. No commercials.
  • Workout. Tap into some positive endorphins.

Have perspective. We have a government and system that works on checks and balances and best of all term limits.