Trump's 'Huge' Tax Plans

This article is complements of our friends at UHY

After the most significant election in our nation’s history, the votes are in and Republican nominee, Donald Trump has been elected to become the 45th president of the United States. President-elect Trump’s tax plan looks to reduce taxes across the board, including making the business tax rate more competitive and creating new opportunities to grow our economy. Before any proposed changes can be made, they must be approved by Congress.

See below to see how Trump’s plan compares to our current system.



Donald Trump

Corporate Tax Rates Top rate of 35% Top rate of 15%
Alternative Minimum Tax Applies to corporations Eliminated
Pass-through Entities Income taxed as ordinary income on individual tax return Option to elect a flat tax of 15% on pass-through income
Capital Investments Capitalized and depreciated Option to expense or capitalize;
If expensing, interest costs are non-deductible
Unrepatriated Earnings Not taxed until brought back into US One time tax of 10% of total unrepatriated earnings
Childcare Deductions Employer-provided day care credit capped at $150,000 Employer provided day care credit capped at $500,000; Additional deduction for employer contributions to employee childcare costs
Corporate Tax Deductions/Credits Includes Research and Development credit, Domestic Production Activities Deduction, etc Eliminate except for Research and Development
Inversion Transactions Foreign firms owned 80% or more by US shareholders are considered US firms for tax purposes No specific proposal


2016 Donald Trump
Ordinary Income Rates 7 brackets with top rate of 39.6% Single
12% $0-37,500
25% $37,500-112,500
33% over $112,500

12% $0-75,000
25% $75,000-225,000
33% over $225,000
**Head of Household status is eliminated

Standard Deduction $6,300 (single)
$12,600 married)
$9,300 (Head of Household)
$30, 000 (married)
Head of Household eliminated
Personal Exemption $4,050 Eliminated and included in the standard deduction
Itemized Deduction Phase out begins:
$259,400 (single)
$311,300 (married)
Total itemized deductions capped at:
$100,000 (single)
$200,000 (married)
Like-kind Exchanges Accrued under federal law No specific proposal
Net Investment Income Tax 3.8% on AGI above:
$200,000 (single)
$250,000 (married)
Alternative Minimum Tax AGI above:
$200,000 (single)
$250,000 (married)
Trusts with income over $12,400
Capital Gains/Dividends Rates Maximum rate of 20% with one year holding period No change
Child/Dependent Care Expenses Child/Dependent Care Credit limited for AGI over $43,000 Above the line deductions for children under age 13 and for care for elderly dependent;
Dependent Care Savings Accounts (DCSA)- deductible $2,000 contribution every year
Carried Interest Taxed at rates on capital gains Taxed as ordinary income
Estate Tax Exclusion of $5.45 million adjusted for inflation, top rate of 40% Eliminated,
Except for estates over $10 million which will be subject to capital gains tax
Gift Tax Lifetime exclusion of $5.45 million adjusted for inflation;
Annual exclusion of $14,000 per donee
Retirement Savings Contributions No limit on lifetime contributions No specific proposal

Published by UHY LLP News.
Copyright © 2016 UHY LLP. All rights reserved.

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